Sejayno Fan Page

the TIMARA curriculum

2 Collab Piezes by Peter B

Peter B CV ---- Peter B Writing

Photo Tour of the Westside, BALT

Roolz-Gewei custom thing

7 Albums by Peter B

Petermopar Youtube documenting the liquor of shop humour.

Petermopar Blogspot has textually new ideas in design.

Nabra-Users is the official user group for Ciat-Lonbarde.

Tetrazzus Organus

How To Order

Many thanks again for these instrument designs, this year is turning out well and I am grateful for that, and these sounds falling away,flying away, that divide like plants,mimicking part of some exchange with the mist; for its movement and its being and the curious fact of any field that, even for Lorentz, is not the motion of a single electron,nor the field produced by it that is making itself felt, but only the resultant effects produced by immense numbers of particles made perceptible to our senses,passing, electric stresses across large and small condensers, an open circuit, in one instance frequencies that can be turned to sound. I've only taken this desired path a little way, but thanks for it.  -John Wollaston

Sidrassi Organus - Radio 電琴 Zither - Deerhorn

Power Point Present für Harvestworks NYC, 10/17/09

Benjolin Burgundy Workstation October 23

The Deerhorn project proposal


Peter B article in Baltimore Sun

"Random thought: your circuits spark thoughts on complex systems and biological sound making, like a bird calling to its mate and the mate returning a proportional but different call, or certain types of cells sending chemical signals to induce other cells to commit certain actions that relate to the cells around them.  something like the petals in cocolase influencing one another in seemingly logical ways that when followed through create totally open, eruptive events." -Cameron

"I am still so in love with the Sidrassi. I have a massive collection of instruments from all over the world (plus a degree in guitar!) and the Sidrassi is one of the most magical things I've ever played. It's so very much like an African instrument in that it kinda teaches you how to play it. (And it's an instant babe magnet! I show up at a gig with this thing and I'm COOL. When was the last time THAT happened in human history? 1959 if you had a Stratocaster?) I turn it on and I'm in the other world.
It removes the "coldness" of an electronic keyboard and the numb sterility of computer sound and it makes electronic sound immediate, warm and sensual. Hey! Maybe THAT'S why the ladies love it! Thanks so much, Nick"

"i well received this incredible mutating phenomenon
i so happy to play with him every time ,he plays with me to.
so my tentacular schizophrenic brain have another way to be
thank u"

Hello Peter.
I'm only want to tell you that the Sidrassi is the most interesting device to make artistic sound, abstract music or weird noise i ever have, and also is very funny to play it. Each time i play it i find new sound, textures and amazing music ways.
Is a very creative device, and i hope than i could have more of your instruments in the future. I also want to thank you about the Sejayno disk you've give me,i like so much and i think that is very interesting and original.
Thank you very much, and congratulations about the Sidrassi Organus,

Cocostuber - 2008 Archive - Trimin Triangle - Namastitar Lute - Fourses Fyrall - Masonic Planters - Paper Circuits - Greyn - DDDM2 - Rollz-5 - Stuber - Cocolase - Prismatic Zuchini - Ambrazier - Din Datin Dudero - Shinths - Princeps - Cianbara - Crowns - Scrolls - Sejayno - Interview with Thomas Arsenault Pawlonia Workshop